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Category: Workshops for teachers

Type: Theoretical- Practical

Duration: 2  hours

Price: €30

Aimed at: Early childhood education teachers (3-6 years), mothers and fathers

Teaching Methodologies Workshop:  Doman

The Doman method is a method of child stimulation from birth that covers both the motor and intellectual spheres, thus finding motor stimulation programs (in terrestrial and aquatic environments), sensory and intellectual (music, language, languages, reading)

Originally from the United States we can find it in many countries of the world. Also in Spain there are more and more formal and non-formal educational centers that use it.

Although the method was born to help recover people, children and adults, with deficiencies, its extension has led it to be used with small healthy newborns as an intelligence stimulation program with spectacular results.

Additional information about the Course


  - Physical program

- Program bits

- Reading program

  - Math program

- How to take it home or to the classroom in a simple way

- How to Craft Doman Materials

This course is taught by the speaker and expert in alternative methodologies Cristina Guerra.


It is accredited by a diploma  course attendance

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