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Category: Workshops for teachers


Type: Theoretical- Practical


Duration:  2 hours


Price: €22.50


Aimed at: Early childhood and primary education teachers, mothers and fathers


In the classroom: Work on projects

What is project work?

In project-based teaching, students carry out an extensive process of inquiry to answer a complex question, problem or change. Students have autonomy and decision-making capacity in the development of projects. At the same time, these have to be planned, designed and elaborated to ensure that students learn the basic contents, work on 21st century skills (such as collaboration, communication and critical thinking) and create quality products and presentations. .


In project-based learning, the most important thing is not the final product or result, but the learning and deepening process carried out by the students.

Compared to direct teaching, teaching based on projects or integrated tasks is today the best didactic guarantee for an effective contribution to the development of basic skills and the learning of the contents of the curriculum.


Course Objectives

This course analyzes the principles of project-based teaching, its advantages and difficulties, as well as the keys to effective project development.


Program :

  • 1) Know the principles of project-based teaching in relation to different educational stages, situations and subjects.

  • 2) Develop teaching strategies linked to cooperative learning, critical socialization and the use of ICT.

  • 3) Enrich traditional evaluation mechanisms

  • 4) Define the conditions for the implementation of these teaching and learning projects.

Additional information about the course

What does this seminar bring?

It is a very complete and dynamic seminar. From Best Teacher we do not seek to explain and that's it, we seek to teach through experiences, therefore, the seminar has been prepared in a very dynamic way where the concepts are directly reflected in practice and we will also provide materials to experiment and discover a different way. and effective teaching.


An extremely interesting course given that it will allow professionals to be able to enrich their classrooms and their sessions with different visions of dealing with the teaching-learning process and thus respond to the needs that arise on a day-to-day basis, beyond editorial materials.


Who is this seminar for?

This course will have a vision mainly from the Early Childhood Education stage (0-6 years) although it can be adapted to special education and primary education.

No previous knowledge is required, just a desire to learn and come with an open mind to different possibilities of doing things.


Who is the course taught by? 

This seminar will be given by the expert Cristina Guerra, passionate about alternative pedagogies and with extensive experience in educational centers, always demonstrating the capacity and veracity of the application of these methods. Renowned lecturer making interventions throughout Spain in reputable places such as the Universidad Unir, Universidad de Tenerife and other private organizations.


At the end of the seminar, a diploma of completion of the course will be delivered.

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